our story

"No experience is wasted. Everything in life is happening to grow you up, to fill you up, to help you become more of who you were created to be..."
- Oprah Winfrey

Our Approach

We offer captivating financial literacy workshops, transformative entrepreneurship programs, personalized mentorship, and events that equip our young leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive personally and financially.

Did you know??*

... in Charlotte, NC ...

*Reported by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

Public Policies – Urban Renewal and Redlining – demolished thriving historic black neighborhoods (Brooklyn) and left them economically and physically devastated.

Households of Color are more than 2x as likely to lack sufficient savings to cover basic needs for 3 months without income vs White households.

1 in 3 Black and Latinx households have zero or negative net worth.

Bachelor’s degree attainment in Black families is about 70% lower than White households.

Over 60% of Black and Latinx households do not have retirement savings through traditional retirement accounts.

Our Story

Fearless Brown Girls® is more than a nonprofit organization; It’s a movement... It’s an unstoppable force of financial champions. Our movement empowers the next generation to break barriers, shatter ceilings, and create brighter financial futures. 
At the heart of Fearless Brown Girls® lies a powerful mission: bridging the Racial Wealth Gap through empowerment, financial education, and policy change. In the United States, White households have 10x the wealth of Black households and 7x the wealth of Latinx. The Racial Wealth Gap reflects the impact of inequity across multiple pathways to Wealth - Income, Education, Home Ownership, Business Ownership, Retirement Savings, and Investing. Every day, we experience how these challenges affect our communities.
Why does Fearless Brown Girls® matter? The Racial Wealth Gap isn't merely a national statistic; it is a reality that significantly impacts our local Charlotte community and extends nationwide. By providing access to education, resources, and mentorship in financial literacy, we're breaking down barriers and building bridges to financial independence. We're investing in a future where underserved black and brown girls can thrive personally and financially, in spite of their current circumstances.
Join us on this journey to transform the narrative of financial insecurity in black and brown communities. Fearless Brown Girls® is unlocking the power of Financial Literacy and making a difference… one FEARLESS BROWN GIRL at a time.

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them..." - Maya Angelou

We prioritize exposing our girls to a culture of diverse and enriching experiences that help them discover and use their unique voices to influence positive change in the world.


Our Core Values


We instill qualities of integrity, vision, and empowerment in our girls, nurturing their ability to confidently lead with purpose, inspire change, and positively impact their communities.


We inspire authenticity and self-discovery, motivating our girls to explore goals and dreams that genuinely align with their desires, gifts, and talents. We encourage them to follow their own path rather than conform to societal expectations.


We equip our girls with financial literacy and strategies, providing them with a solid foundation for financial success and independence. We empower them to confidently make informed and responsible financial decisions that shape their future.

Financial Empowerment

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