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“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world…”
-Harriet Tubman

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Fearless Brown Girl (FBG)? 

No. 1

A FBG is a girl who faces fears head on with determination, authenticity, courage, and ambition. She is confident and unapologetic about her identity and aspirations. She is committed to speaking the truth, advocating for change, and doing some scary things.    

What is Fearless Brown Girls®' vision?

No. 2

Fearless Brown Girls® envisions a future where the Racial Wealth Gap in black and brown communities is significantly reduced through the power of financial literacy, empowerment, and policy change. We envision Fearless Brown Girls® evolving into a thriving organization with an annual funding of $250,000+ providing educational programs, resources, and mentorship for black and brown teenage girls. We aim to expand our impact beyond Charlotte, reaching girls throughout North Carolina, to help 1000 girls save $1000+ by the time they graduate high school.

How can I stay updated on Fearless Brown Girls®’ activities and events?

No. 3

You can stay updated by subscribing to our email list, following us on social media, and/or checking our events page regularly.

How can my daughter join Fearless Brown Girls® programs?

No. 4

Visit ‘Our Programs’ page to find detailed information about each program. When enrollment starts, a link will be available to provide additional details and to allow you to sign her up. We look forward to welcoming her to our amazing community:)!

Are there any costs associated with joining Fearless Brown Girls® programs?

No. 5

We work really hard to secure funding to ensure that our programs remain accessible to all girls, either free of charge or very low cost. We are committed to breaking down financial barriers, making quality education and empowerment available to every girl who wishes to participate.

Is there any financial assistance available for program participation?

No. 6

Yes! When resources are available, we offer scholarships to help cover program costs. Please reach out to our team to explore options available for your specific needs.

Is Fearless Brown Girls® a safe environment for my child?

No. 7

Absolutely! The safety and well-being of your daughter are our top priorities at FBG. Our staff and volunteers undergo thorough background checks and we have strict guidelines and policies in place to ensure a safe and secure environment. 

How can I become a volunteer with Fearless Brown Girls®?

No. 8

Visit our “Get Involved” page and review the volunteer opportunities we have available. Simply complete the volunteer application form and we’ll be in touch with next steps.

What is the time commitment for volunteering with Fearless Brown Girls®?

No. 9

The time commitment varies depending on your volunteer role and program. It can range from a few hours for event volunteers to a few hours per month for mentors. We’ll work together to find a timeframe that fits your schedule and the needs of FBG.  

How will my background check be conducted?

No. 10

Background checks are conducted through trusted third-party providers. We take the safety and security of all participants very seriously. Your personal information will be handled with care and confidentiality.

Is my donation tax-deductible and how will it be used?

No. 11

Yes, all donations to Fearless Brown Girls® are tax deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations directly support FBG’s mission and programs - covering educational materials and resources, organizing workshops and events, mentorship programs, scholarships, and expanding our outreach efforts.  

What sponsorship opportunities are available?

No. 12

We offer various sponsorship opportunities that allow individuals and organizations to partner with us in efforts to fulfill our mission. Please visit our “Get Involved” page and click on Sponsorship Opportunities to learn more.

Looking For Other Ways To Get Involved?
Join Our Volunteer List! 

Volunteer with us and make a lasting impact on the lives of young black and brown girls. Your time, expertise, and passion plays a vital role in empowering our girls to embrace personal and financial confidence.

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